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I was first looking at different type of wax for clothing. Then I went onto the Woodlore site, read about the wax and what you can use it for. Obviously the price was good for two blocks. I have used this wax for a number of things at the moment. I actually waxed a full length Dickinsons coat and you stay warm, iron this in to soak into the material, that work perfectly. I have waxed a couple of cotton type baseball caps. This took a couple of coats, this was with a warm iron as well. I have re coated a pair of cycling gloves which made them fully waterproof as well. Yhe most bizarre thing I’ve used it for is on a Brooke leather saddle, this helped you to stop sliding over the saddle when a conditions get wet. So the answer to your question? Does this wax work? Yes it does. You could basically waterproof any type of cotton material. If it comes up white you just need to melt a bit more into the cotton.
17th January, 2024Rated: 5/5